On time, here are my icons for couples20in20 This time around I tried a "new style"(for me) which is:keep icons as much simple as you can Laura.lol.Like a challenge within a challenge!.
So I decided to take another round for clamp20in20
I like doing icons, but I HATE MAKING 5 ICONS THE SAME WAY!!! Yet if you make each AC or category different that the other is kinda 'frown upon on' communities, silly; I like my icons to be unique apart from the other...yeah I know I have my style and they do look alike still I don't like using the same
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Hi there!! , Finally some icons~~ took me a lot of time to make, since last time I worked with anime/manga images was like 2 years ago? , ugh. Enough with excuses!! Here..!
it's been a long long time since my last post here, and I'm surprised that Lj has updated their posting options ..wtf Anyhow, I brought my last icons! and other graphics... :)